At Avis Printing, how we create a logo for your business, customise a design or artwork is everything our team lives for. That is why if you are unfamiliar with the term CMYK or you do not know how to make your artwork “Bleed Properly” then we have this comprehensive and easy-to-digest artwork requirement guide for you.
Our designers will cover all, including:
Below is a step by step artwork requirements guide at us. Our designers will not only explain to you what the terms mean but also how you can get your artwork print ready.
1. Submit your artwork with the appropriate size and correct bleeds. The correct bleeds mean the extra area you give your artwork outside the trim line.
2. Use the CMYK Colour Model. The full form of CMYK is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key. Cyan means Blue, Magenta is Pink/Red, Yellow is Yellow and Key is Black because it acts as a key plate to add depth and contrast to the print job. A printer breaks your artwork down into tiny dots in the above four colours in CMYK and put them close together to print your artwork.
3. We accept all kinds of images in the PDF, EPS, TIFF, AI, INDD, PSF or JPEG files. GIF or PNG images cannot be printed. All the acceptable files are subdivided into two types of artwork i.e. Raster and Vector. A Raster image is defined by the pixels which are scalable to an extent but is restricted by the resolution of the image. However, a Vector image can be scaled to any limit.
4. Outline your fonts for the .ai or .eps files for the artwork created in Adobe Illustrator or any other vector-based software. The printer must be able to read the outlines in order for the font to print correctly.
5. Do not use font styles such as subset fonts. If you want the text to be bolded or italicised like Helvetica Oblique then you should use an actual font by name. The type should not be smaller than 7 points.
If you follow the above art requirement guidelines, you can print a lot of artwork without wasting time or be causing yourself a headache. You will eventually end up saving a ton of money by following the guidelines.
If you still have any further queries regarding your Artwork Setup or need assistance with following the guidelines to print the artwork, then get in touch with us. Give us a call on 02 9893 9131 or 0425 333 990 or send us an email at to get a free online custom label quote.